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  • * It is an instant real-time payment system .
  • * It works by instantly transferring funds between two Bank accounts on a mobile platform.
  • * UPI is built over the principal of immediate payment service and is available 24*7.
  • * You can transfer money by  Virtual Payment Address , Account Number with IFS Code, Mobile Number with MMID  (Mobile Money Identifier)  or a one-time use Virtual ID.

What is a Virtual Payment Address (VPA)?

“Virtual Payment Address” is a virtual id that takes a form of uniqueid@upi wherein “uniqueid”is a unique name that 

you can choose for yourself. BHIM UPI app gives customers the option to create any number of virtual addresses so that they can use the 

virtual address for making and receiving payments and transacting with UPI integrated merchants. Eg: ramesh@upi, 96xxx2x15@upi.